We only got to see this one Tape Box scan from the Universal Motown Storage but it tells us what we had told Bob Gaudio and Frankie Valli and members of this group existed . Although we have researched and provided tape source information for over 10 years, we never got to see the rest of the 29+ Motown Multi-track Tape Box scans from Snapper during the project. You could ask why?....as we did. But we moved on and finished the full catalogue research based on what we had access to.
Taking a breath on a sad day and now waiting for final production and issue, some of our team members think...”This is only the beginning!.......'A NEW BEGINNING' …..in terms of the Motown Catalogue perhaps. Thanks you to all our readers for your comments and support for the Snapper Music Box Set to date, via social media and personal communication with me. It really was a labour of love from my perspective, both for the range and creativity of the music and of course Frankie Valli's awesome voice, but also for the relationships amongst fans and collectors we have developed since the 1970s and working with the late Bob Fisher, a dearly missed friend.
I was talking with an 'iconic' sound engineer recently re how he has achieved historic 'curated' projects with major artists and I was sharing with him the long and frustrating 'life' of 'Seasons' fan club members who have in the experiences of the Four Seasons UK Appreciation Society [FSUKAS]been both 'joyous' yet 'limited' and in terms of releases often left us feeling 'disappointed' and frequently 'let down'. Not however by Frankie and his commitment to tour and entertain the fans. Frankie spoke in interview about his love for sharing his music 'LIVE' but also the magic of creating in the studio and this box set will reveal that more fully than ever before. But what we have gathered is not enough, particularly in comparison with the legendary Beatles and Beach Boys. The passion and obsession of some of their fans and their large fanbase numbers has meant that their 'brand' has become a major commercial project. Feeding the fans every conceivable mix and bit of studio chatter has however been an expression of their 'art' and an important part of music history. The difference is of course that they retained their 'multitrack' session tapes. We found none in the FSP storage.......only at Motown do such 16 and 24 track masters survive.......and we scraped the barrel to find all we could of 'out-takes'
As we await the Snapper Music Box Set release it is with some frustration that after the release of the Beach Boys 'Surf's Up/Sunflower' Bonus CD Box Set and the 'Sounds Of Summer' set we are told.....”All 30 tracks on disc 1 of 'Sounds Of Summer' have been mixed in immersive Dolby Atmos, joining the group’s 'Christmas Album' which was mixed in spatial audio and released this past holiday season, and continuing the initiative to present the group’s catalog in the enveloping and exciting new audio format.“,..........we now have to see the announcement of another step in exploring the back catalogue of The Beatles with the forthcoming release of 'Revolver'......”The new special edition of 'Revolver' album from 1965, complete with tons of bonus tracks and alternate takes, comes out on October 28, 2022. The super-deluxe version will be a 5-CD set. You can pre-order that set for $139.00 at the official Beatles store.” This package [it has been revealed] will contain a 'restored' Mix of the album using AI powered digital extraction[DES] from the old four track tapes plus alternate Takes as Bonuses. This is restoration not previously possible and enabled by ever improving technology. Even I have been able to demonstrate how this type of AI software can provide enjoyable alternatives versions of the 60s Stereo Tracks on my You Tube Channel with some of Frankie and the groups classic recordings.
What these Beatles and Beach Boys releases reveal is that if you are regarded as a 'legendary' group, you develop a huge and generationally renewing collectors base. The Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Full Catalogue release was always a major way for us fans to catch up [with everything].......but even now to still be left behind by other 60s groups [unfortunately by understandable delays].
As you will all know this set has been designed and built around 'rare and unreleased' sides, both MONO and STEREO'. But as I have said from a collectors and fans perspective it is not enough and is only levelling up to some extent the catalogue of the 'mega groups'. 'Working Our Way Back To You' is a very apt title for the set. As fans, many of you have trusted my commitment with the late Bob Fisher to the content, by ordering the limited edition. We both said we would see this production through to final mastering but with his passing and other pressures that has not been possible. We always planned to check the final mastering.
I have always been open and transparent with the fan base as my allegiance is to the network that helped us so much to achieve the set we have gained approval to. That is limited in a number of ways and the content does not include as many completed and unreleased Motown [and other]Tracks as I and you would have wanted. I am not angry or negative re what we achieved [at long last] but only asking a question many have asked me......."as you have evidence that more tracks are there and completed and in good sound quality why could they not be included"?. Time and cost pressures and particularly the pandemic made the planned approach impossible. The problems of getting 2 track Stereo versions of 16 track masters from Universal Motown during lockdown made it difficult to get songs to Bob Gaudio for approval and his commitment to the Neil Diamond stage production limited the 'mixing' he could do for this set. But lack of communication at times particularly since Bob Fisher's passing has meant that I am only 'Track Advisor' although I did contribute the Collectors Notes with the help of key knowledgeable music detectives. Snapper accepted these with little edit which I guess I should be grateful for and I hope they explain the release history and meet your approval but I have had no opportunity to collaborate with the Sound Engineer or check the sound quality of the final product. Hopefully the final quality [from 'best available sources' Snapper say] will meet all our expectations and the huge investment in the research of tracks Bob Fisher and I did........ Not least helped by the 'memorabilia' and photos of John Pingree, Bob Crewe's Sound Engineer George Schowerer and the superb design work of Rachel Gutek.....and the Snapper team.
There is, we all accept, the urgent need to release this set and then to take stock re the size and spread of the fan base [the market for product beyond the 'hits']. I would like to think that 2500 copies will sell by mid 2023 and we as fans can look ahead [to more]. Bob Gaudio and Frankie Valli need to decide if they want to sell further product from their past by researching tape sources and build a future as 'legendary' artists with those that got them there. What do Four Seasons fans want?.......We in the FSUKAS want to celebrate all that they have achieved with the group and their co-creators such as Bob Crewe and Charlie Calello[to name just two...et al]
There are further sources and tracks to be found by the FSP but the first step is understanding and engaging with the fan base and past collaborators. Our FB presence shows the people are out there with the interest. Finding an 'investor' Record Company and Top Engineering led team of researchers is what the other 'legendary' groups have done. Frankie and Bob could do that too.....No !!!...need to do that. You cannot achieve it by simply selling your 'publishing'. You may own [most of] your 'catalogue' but you need to 'invest' in research and 'curate' it as 'art' and as a path to a future income stream for future generations. Perhaps the forthcoming 'Jersey Boys' TV Movie will trigger the next step and we can see our Campaign for the review and release of all of the Motown material and more.......complete its mission. Your comments and expectations can be voiced in our FB groups.........Ken
The Four Seasons Motown Unreleased Campaign
Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons Fans
In the UK there has been no greater demonstration of the importance of what we have lived through and shared as illustrated with the recent passing away of Queen Elizabeth II. An illustration of one thing the British do well is respect history and commitment as we [in the UK] have shown for her as the world has seen this last week. In an emotional week for us in the UK, it struck me when I recalled as a 5 year old her Coronation on 2nd June 1953 and our Garden Party, it was the same year that Frankie Valli started his career recording 'My Mothers Eyes'. UK fans also showed and shared our respect and love for Frankie Valli on his visit to the UK this summer working hard to entertain us at 88.
In remembrance today of Her Majesty as Ken Charmer – Former Civil Servant with Lynn Boleyn – MBE , Dr George Ingram and Ray Nichol, The Four Seasons UK Appreciation Society – Core Team.
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